Radon Evolution’s evaluation and mitigation services
The professionals at Radon Evolution offer a turnkey service to ensure that you have the right information about the air quality in your home. After the installation of the dosimeter and the analysis of the results in the laboratory, we set up mitigation processes according to the structure of your home.
You can have complete confidence in our team. Radon Evolution is certified by the C-NRPP (National Radon Proficiency Program in Canada), which guarantees that we have an in-depth knowledge of radon gas and mitigation measures.
The company is also a member of CARST(Canadian Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists). This organization provides the latest information on ongoing radon research and awareness across Canada.
We assure you of a well-thought-out integration to meet your aesthetic requirements.

Measurement by dosimeter
Health Canada recommends carrying out a test for at least 91 days, during winter, to measure the amount of radon present in the air of our homes. The recommendation established since 2007 is 200 becquerels or less per cubic meter (Bq/m3).
Short-term measure
We offer a short-term measurement service with a 7-day continuous reader. This result is an indicator of the amount of radon present in the air of your home. Depending on the result, we will guide you for the next steps to take.

New complete system, more efficient and more waterproof !
Pipes that are made of PVC, with special marking for easy identification.
The Radon X system includes gas collection and evacuation pipes, fittings, solvent cement and accessories.
Radon Gas Mitigation
Our team can move quickly to install radon mitigation measures. It is relatively simple to install these measures in a building. It is normally done in one day. Two types of radon mitigation are possible:
Passive mitigation:
Placement of a pipe that directs air to the outside, without the use of a fan.
Active mitigation:
Using a fan, air is pushed out of the house. Active mitigation allows us to guarantee a better result.
The pre-mitigation of radon gas
Since 2010, some homes have had pre-mitigation measures in place. Note that to obtain LEED certification, a building must have mitigation measures in place.
For new homes, Radon Evolution recommends implementing actions to reduce the risk of radon infiltration.

The post-mitigation test
A double post-attenuation test is performed out following the attenuation. A short-term test is installed within 7 days of mitigation and a dosimeter (90-day test) is provided to validate that the measures implemented have reduced radon concentrations below the desired threshold.
We guarantee that following the mitigation measures, radon concentrations will be lowered below Health Canada standards..